SEEtalk: Post-COVID 19 digital transformation in healthcare
SEEtalk: Post-COVID 19 digital transformation in healthcare
25 SeptemberSep 2020 12:15 - 12:45
A conversation with Arunakiry Natarajan, Project Manager and Digital Health Data Specialist, Management4health GmbH
- Moderated by Olga Kyryliuk, SEEDIG Executive Committee
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Arunakiry Natarajan | Project Manager and Digital Health Data Specialist, Management4health GmbH (guest)
Arunakiry Natarajan holds a Master’s in Medical Informatics from Technische Hochschule Deggendorf in Germany. He was the recipient of the Deutschlandstipendium for the year 2017, and the received the best master thesis award. Additionally, he holds a bachelor’s and Master’s in Dentistry with specialization in Oral Medicine and Radiology from India. He was a successful clinician for 12 years and also lectured dental students in a dental school in India. Following his career in academics and in clinical dentistry, Arunakiry moved into healthcare data science. He also holds multiple certifications in the field of Data Science, including certifications from IBM, and underwent rigorous quantitative training, and essential statistical and computing skills needed to manage and analyze health science data, to address important questions in public health and biomedical sciences. He followed this career with an immense belief that apt use of health data, analytics, automation, and responsible AI can spark a digital metamorphosis in health systems across the global healthcare ecosystem. He joined management4health in the year 2018 as a Project Manager and a Digital Health Data Specialist and is the primary lead on the use of information technology in m4h’s healthcare projects across the globe. In his role as a project manager, he is responsible for the identification, preparation and implementation of projects, as well as liaising and co-operating with partners and experts for these projects. As a data specialist at m4h, he plays a key role to understand the existing projects’ processes, then identify the underlying problems, and then attempt reaching solutions through data-driven technologies to streamline the processes for better outcomes. Additionally, he provides volunteering support for the development of AI-based medical solutions by building pipelines, data labelling, providing domain expertise and by liaising with various stakeholders at market and academic level.

Olga Kyryliuk | Member, SEEDIG Executive Committee (moderator)
CEO & Founder of The Influencer Platform, a Ukrainian-based organization that trains and unites influencers of all generations who stand for digital rights, equal opportunities, women empowerment, and the open Internet. Currently serving on the SEEDIG Executive Committee and is a founding member of the Internet Freedom Network for Eastern, Central Europe, and Eurasia. Her sphere of interests lies at the intersection of law and technology and includes, inter alia, digital rights, Internet governance, data protection, artificial intelligence, digital sovereignty, and content regulation. She provides consultancy and expert support to Freedom House, Council of Europe and a range of international companies working all over the world.
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