Technological developments in SEE+
Technological developments in SEE+
22 SeptemberSep 2020 11:00 - 12:00
Building on the discussion from SEEDIG 5, we will look at infrastructure readiness for new technologies. The SEE+ region has been somewhat slow in implementing new Internet standards, such as IPv6, DNSSEC, RPKI, bringing with it suboptimal performance, vulnerability in terms of security and even financial consequences for both Internet providers and users. Internet Exchange Points have made strides in limiting local traffic, but there is still room for improvement. Cooperation among network operators across the region is important for the smooth and efficient running of the Internet. We will look into how operators handled the increased demand for bandwidth during the coronavirus crisis, what particular pressures they faced and lessons learned for the future. Finally, we will look into any challenges from a regulatory and market perspective.
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Cristian Copcea | Vice-president, InterLAN (contributor)
Cristian started his career as an aircraft engineer and shifted towards the Internet Technology field more than 20 years ago. Cristian believes there’s more to life than just technology, and that it’s really about passionately pursuing and living the dream, while caring and nurturing the future generation.

Gergana Petrova | External Relations Officer, RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) (co-moderator)
Gergana helps lead the RIPE NCC's engagement with a broad range of stakeholders, including the RIPE NCC membership, the RIPE community, government, law enforcement and other Internet stakeholders. In addition, Gergana is in charge of the academic engagement at RIPE NCC and coordinates the RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (RACI), which funded many students and researchers to present their work at RIPE NCC’s events. Gergana is also very involved in the Internet Governance field – contributing to meetings on a global, regional and national level, organising and delivering webinars and presentations. Previously, Gergana organised the RIPE Meeting, regional ENOG and SEEmeetings and helped build the local communities there.

Jan Žorž | CEO, Go6 Institute (contributor)
Slovenia-based Jan Žorž is a VP of 6connect Labs and an IPv6 specialist and advocate. He co-founded the not-for-profit Go6 institute, an IPv6 initiative whose main objective is to raise IPv6 awareness in Slovenia. He was also one of the pioneers of SiOL, the Slovenian national ISP. Jan co-founded SiNOG (the Slovenian Network Operators' Group) and he is a founding Board member of the Global NOG Alliance (GNA). In the past he also worked for Internet Society as Operational Engagement Programme Manager.
Jelena Cosic | Serbia (contributor)
Jelena has been active in the IG community as a member of ISOC Serbia and Hacklab Belgrade. While working for Packet Clearing House in the previous years, she provided support to a number of IXP and NOG initiatives in the SEE region.
Vladislav Bidikov | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (contributor)

Zoran Perović | Founder and CEO, SOX
Zoran has lived from The Internet and for The Internet for 25 years. He worked in Spain for Ericsson and managed the biggest alternative ISP in Serbia in 2001. He has been developing Serbian Broadband from 2002, with no intention to stop any time soon. Zoran consulted the Serbian Minister of Culture on digitization of Serbian cultural heritage and established cooperation with IXP’s all around SEE.
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