Environmental sustainability through the lenses of digital development
Environmental sustainability through the lenses of digital development
23 SeptemberSep 2020 15:00 - 15:45
In his recent Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, the UN Secretary-General noted that ‘the digital revolution can be steered to combat climate change and advance global sustainability, environmental stewardship and human well-being’. Looking at the SEE+ region, how do stakeholders understand the interplay between digital development and a sustainable environment? As governments and the private sector devise strategies and policies focused on advancing digital transformation, to what extent do they also consider environmental sustainability issues? How can the region make better use of digital technologies to protect the environment? While exploring these and related questions, the session intends to uncover existing and desired/needed policies and initiatives focused on (1) addressing the environmental risks posed by digital technologies and (2) using such technologies to draw attention to and tackle environmental challenges.
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Constantin Damov | President, Coalition for Circular Economy, Romania (contributor)
Dumitru Vasilescu | Policy Specialist, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Moldova (contributor)

Lianna Galstyan | External Relations Manager & Board member, Internet Society Armenia (co-moderator)
Lianna Galstyan is the External Relations Manager and a Board member of the Internet Society of Armenia. She is actively involved in Internet Governance related issues on national, (sub)regional and global level. Lianna is a MAG member and a Coordinator for the Armenian IGF. Also, she has founded and runs the ArmSIG, Armenian School on Internet Governance and is Vice Chair of ICANN APRALO (Asia-Pacific Regional At-Large Organization).

Oliana Sula | Lecturer, University "Aleksander Moisiu" Durrës (co-moderator)
Oliana Sula is a lecturer and researcher at the Departement of Management, Faculty of Business at the University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës, in Durrës, Albania. She has recently finalised her PhD in Management at Estonian Business School in Tallinn, Estonia. Her previous educational background is from France. Her research interests are social media, youth entrepreneurship, social innovation, digital literacy, digital inclusion, cybersecurity education, youth policies, youth entrepreneurial culture focusing more in South East Europe and Latin America. She is part of different initiatives about Internet Governance at regional and European level. Her hobbies are nature, travelling, literature, spirituality, fitness and fashion design.
Pavel Antonov | Executive Director, Bluelink (contributor)

Radovan Nikčević | Expert on Connectivity, Regional Cooperation Council (contributor)
After his studies of electrical engineering he also graduated at faculty of economics and completed master studies in international marketing. His professional career and development started in 1998. He spent 10 years working in the energy sector as CEO or covering higher managerial positions in a few big private or public oil companies. As of 2008 his professional work is focused on clean and sustainable energy, renewables and energy efficiency, sustainable transport and environmental issues including solutions for mitigating negative impact on climate change. He worked as senior expert and team leader in several international organizations and projects, while core activities were concentrated on developing policy and legal framework in the mentioned areas in the Western Balkan region. As of September 2016 he is working for Regional Cooperation Council as Expert on Connectivity where his fields of responsibility include energy, protection of the environment, digital transformation and the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans. As part of the environmental protection portfolio, he was coordinating the process of development of a Study on the Convergence of Digitalisation and Environmental Sustainability which analyses benefits but also side effects of the increased use of ICT in the Western Balkans. He is an author of many studies, papers, analyses, rulebooks and policy documents in WB including software for energy management and emissions monitoring in the public sector at local level.

Valentin Negoiță | President, ECOTIC Romania (contributor)
After a successful career in business publishing as editor of Capital magazine, Valentin Negoita turned to ICT sector. He helped setting up APDETIC (the Association of the Producers and Dealers of IT Equipment) in 2003 and ECOTIC (the first PRO in the management of WEEE in Romania) in 2006. He serves currently as President of APDETIC and, respectively, ECOTIC.
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